[Ile de France] “Coach in the Flow” – 25 janvier 2024

International Circle – ICF Paris Île-de-France propose
“Coach in the Flow”
How Individual and Interpersonal Flow States, Enhance Creativity in Coaching
Discover your personal power.
(Full-day live Workshop in English)
Thursday 25th January 2024
Châteauform – Learning Lab
40 passage de l’Arche
92800 Puteaux
Presented by Magdalena GIEC, MCC, MBA
The power of Flow in Coaching: The Neuroscience of Setting Goals, Creativity and Motivation – a full day live workshop with Magdalena GIEC, MCC.
Have you ever experienced moments of flow and effortlessness in your coaching sessions, only to struggle with sustaining that state and getting caught up in clients’ negative stories?
Gain deep insights into the science behind flow states and their profound impact on coaching effectiveness. Join us for an immersive one-day workshop where you’ll dive into the fascinating realm of neurochemistry, neuro-electricity, and specific brain networks that hold the key to overcoming common obstacles in coaching sessions.
During this workshop you’ll learn and test in hands-on practices how to:
– use empathetic mirroring to calm down the client’s nervous system and protect your grounded presence
– establish powerful agreements that not only facilitate a deep creative state in the client, but also provide you with keys to unlock their motivational system.
– elegantly blend strategic thinking with identity transformation (the What and the Who questioning backed by neuroscience)
– help your clients to stick to their own decisions and plan by enabling neuro-plasticity during sleep
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is designed for ICF-credentialed coaches (or who are on the credential path) who wish to deepen their understanding of the neuroscience behind effective coaching. If you’re seeking solid and science-backed arguments to demonstrate the true potential of coaching, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge and tools to enhance your coaching practice and sell your services more effectively.
Key Takeaways:
Participants will leave with:
- A robust framework for inducing individual and interpersonal flow states.
- A toolkit of breathing and questioning techniques for self-regulation and client engagement.
- Enhanced understanding of how to weave the principles of flow into everyday coaching to deepen ICF Core Competencies.
- Strategies for organizing personal and professional life around flow to consistently evoke awareness and facilitate growth in clients.
This workshop is not just an event; it’s a transformative journey that promises to fill your coaching practice with the essence of flow, fostering an environment where creativity and clarity thrive.
Join us in unlocking the next level of your coaching potential, where flow becomes your steady state and your clients’ gateway to unprecedented breakthroughs.
Magdalena GIEC, MCC, MBA, is an Erickson Coaching International trainer, mentor, and examiner. With 15 years of experience in the coaching industry, Magdalena specializes in integrating flow states into coaching practices to unlock creative potential and drive peak performance.
Educated in flow theory at the Flow Research Collective and Flow Genome Project, Magdalena has studied with Steven Kotler, Dr. Andrew Huberman, and Dr. Michael Mannino, to name just a few. Though not a neuroscientist, Magdalena possesses a deep understanding of the practical applications of flow principles, making the complex science of flow states accessible and actionable for coaches and clients alike.
Magdalena is dedicated to exploring and teaching how flow can deepen the ICF Core Competencies, enabling coaches to evoke awareness and facilitate client growth with newfound depth and efficiency.
As a coach and trainer, Magdalena primarily collaborates with the IT and new technologies sector, leading e-commerce businesses, and esteemed European institutions, including the Council of Europe and the European Parliament.
Registration required at ICF (France www.coachfederation.fr) Menu/ International évents / Ile de France
95€ (ICF members) – 165 € (non-members) (to be paid online).
Non-registered participants may be refused entry on the day if the workshop is full. For further information, you can contact the co-organisers of this event: and or the other volunteer members of the ICF Paris Ile de France office:
ICF Paris International is an initiative of the ICF Paris Ile de France chapter. These events are an opportunity for the international community (often in English). Internationally renowned speakers from diverse backgrounds are invited to share trends, best practices, methodologies and tools with the coaching community in France. The events are open to all nationalities, ICF members and non-members alike.
Your contributions are welcome to ensure the success of our events. Please contact one of the ICF Paris International team members in our chapter with your suggestions, contacts and proposals:
Agnieszka Bragiel de Carvalho carvalhoagnieszka@gmail.com
Julie Cummings-Debrot Julie.cummingsdebrot@coachfederation.fr
Elsie Zee : elsiezee@icloud.com
Manuela Marquis – Manuela.marquis@coachfederation.fr
Eleanor Baker – coaching@eleanorbaker.com
Claudia Disco – claudia.disco@gmail.com
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