[Ile de France] Merry Mixer – Paris International Circle – 19 décembre 2024

Please join us for a Merry Mixer !
Let’s wrap up the year with a glass of cheer!
Thursday, 19th of December starting at 18h at Big B’s
(261 Jardins de l’Arche, next to the Arena at La Defense)
You are welcome to stay for dinner after the drinks.
Come and share a moment of conviviality during this holiday
season to reconnect and to make new connections !
All people interested in coaching are welcome!
(You do not need to be a member of ICF to participate)
We look forward to seeing you there!
The ICF Paris International Circle
Claudia, Eleanor, Elsie, Julie & Manuela
Price: 5€ for ICF Members (10€ for non-members)
Your first drink will be offered. All other consumption will be your charge.
Vous connaissez d'autres coachs qui pourraient être intéressés ? Partagez leur cet événement !